Welcome to the Cross Creek Media Center!
Mission Statement
Working together, we Teach and nurture Children to Ensure their Success.
Vision Statement
TCES are supportive learning communities where extraordinary learning experiences inspire children to dream and prepare them for a dynamic future.
Cross Creek Media Center is open from 7:35 – 3:10 daily. Student visits during dismissal should take into account the student’s dismissal load before permission is given.
Students may come to the media center two times a day, and are allowed to check out two books at a time. No book bags are allowed in the media center.
Students should always bring their library card with them to the media center. If a student has met his/her AR goal, the teacher should mark the student’s card.
Books are checked out for two-week periods. If a student is not finished with his/her books, the books may be checked out again if no one else is waiting to check them out.
Media Center patrons are responsible for all books they check out. Lost, damaged, or ruined books are the responsibility of the person they are checked out to. Continuing to check out books when owing for lost or damaged books will be at the discretion of the media specialist. Refunds are given if books are found, returned, and able to be shelved for check out within a reasonable time limit.
Need Help?
Having trouble finding a book? Let us know – we want to help you find a book to enjoy. We have a wonderful variety of great books on every reading level and genre.
Media Staff
Annette James, Media Specialist
Jessica Thomas, Media Clerk
Media Center Policy
Please contact Mrs. James if you need to access the media center policy.
Accelerated Reader
Use AR Book Finder to look up AR books to find out the reading level and number of points.
Research Links
Here are some helpful websites when your child needs to do research for a report.
Ask your teacher or Mrs. James for the latest password.
National Geographic for Kids
Fact Monster